Bermuda Dental Studio Payment, Fees, and Recovery Policy


• Each dental case will be accompanied by an invoice, providing clients with the flexibility of two payment options

Payment Options:

Payment Option Option 1: No Retainer Required (Standard) Option 2: Monthly with Starting Credit
Billing Cycle Bi-Weekly
(~14th & 28th of each month) Monthly
(Balance that exceeds credit to be billed monthly)
Payment Terms Payment due upon receipt Payment due upon receipt
Retainer Payment Amount No retainer required $500 minimum
Credit Application - Credit due the 1st of each month
or before the start of services
Must have zero balance for payment to be a credit
Payment Cycle for Retainer - Monthly
Credit Application Usage - Credit will be applied to services completed that month and roll over if unused.
Additional Credit Incentive - A 10% additional credit will be applied each month the retainer payment is made.
(Savings of $50 per month/$200 per quarter/$600 per year)
Account Hold Enforcement Account Hold will be enforced for overdue balances Account Hold will be enforced for overdue balances

FAQ : Retainer Fee Implementation

Payment Process:

Monthly Statements:

Payment Terms:

Account Holds:

Collections Process:

Finance Fees:

Payment Descriptions: